Thursday, April 19, 2007

An Eye for An Eye?

Joel Martinsen at has briefed a recent Chinese media response to the alleged "Anti-China" sentiment of the West that was printed by the official Glabal People magazine. The magazine summarizes those western "attacks" as stemming from absurd theories like "China Threat", "China Collapse", "China Split" and "Yellow Peril".

There is an old Chinese saying says, "If you did a bad thing to other, other will do the same to you".

If I were not mistaken. Was there once an anti-American sentiment raging in China during the whole pre-reform period? U.S. was then considered as the paramount enemy (among other imperialists) of the world (and of China of course).

"Imperialism is the highest stage of Capitalism", according to Lenin. And, it is so corrupted that it is at the verge of collapse. These were printed on the textbooks and widely advertised on the mass media in China.

"Proletariat of the World Get United!" and "Down with the American Imperialism!" were the two most frequently used propaganda slogans found on Chinese mainstream media, if not every day at that time.

China is becoming softer and behaves more like a gentleman now. But to most in the west, the same Communist regime is still running the nation which was extremely agitative sometimes before. And, the worst of all is that this same country is more-and-more becoming a tiger instead of a panda, in terms of both economic and military strength.

The feelings of the west to a "face-lifted" China are certainly complicated, especially to those who know a little bit about the political ideology of Communism. The cause of Communist Party(s) is to turn the whole world "Red", as the rule of Marxism implies.

The Chinese Communist elites might think differently now. Well, I dont know. It is just a wild guess based on what they are preaching inside (and outside) for a harmonious society (and, world).

If the regime really meant what it said, then it is better not to act so childishly like what Global People has done. Time itself will tell.

"An Eye for An Eye" will not help to improve the image of China, and the West too.

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